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10 Advantages Of Thermal Fluid Heaters

Read Time: 3 mins

Shopping your options when it comes to industrial heating systems? There’s a lot to carefully consider when you’re upgrading or replacing your facility’s equipment, especially since new heating equipment is a hefty investment.

Curious about which will work best for your facility? Although steam systems are still in place in many plants and facilities, thermal fluid heating systems may be the better way to go for a plethora of reasons.

There are a number of benefits that set thermal fluid heating systems apart from the systems they compete with. In fact, hot oil heaters boast advantages in most categories.

  1. Efficiency

Thermal fluid heaters are highly efficient, and significantly more efficient than their alternative heating system counterparts. They offer facilities the opportunity for decreased operating costs and decreased energy costs (which can contribute, in turn, to increased profitability), while being more environmentally friendly.

  1. Installation Flexibility

Systems can be installed indoors or outdoors, and in some cases can be built to fit unique specifications. Because they don’t need to be immediately adjacent to the process they are heating, thermal fluid heaters can also be installed remotely. This flexibility is key when you’re working with limited floor space within your facility but you’re still looking for a highly efficient heating solution.

  1. Minimal Maintenance

While they do need housekeeping and attention on a regular schedule for optimal performance, the effort required is not nearly as hefty as what’s required for steam-based systems.

  1. Lower Operational Costs

Because they operate efficiently, require minimal maintenance, and don’t necessitate chemical treatment, condensation collection systems, a dedicated system attendant, etc. to operate, thermal fluid heaters boast lower operational costs than steam boiler systems and many other types of process heating systems.

  1. Fewer Operational Headaches

They will not freeze in cold temperatures and it is not corrosive. For these and numerous other reasons, thermal fluid heaters produce fewer operational headaches for facility managers on a regular basis.

  1. Fewer Staff Requirements

Typically, there are fewer staff requirements associated with thermal fluid heating equipment. (Rules and regulations do change, so be sure you are familiar with the current codes applicable to your industry.)

  1. Versatility

They can be used effectively in a variety of processes and industries and also replace steam systems in many instances, and they can be installed in a variety of formats to suit the needs and layout of a specific facility.

  1. No Need for Pressurization

Because they don’t require pressurization, they reduce the risk of explosions and eliminate the need for constant regulation and monitoring of system pressure levels.

  1. No Need for Chemical Regulation

Thermal fluid heaters eliminate the need for chemical regulation entirely. They rely on thermal heating fluid, which requires no chemical regulation – another advantage that puts hot oil heaters ahead of their steam boiler competitors.

  1. No Freezing in Cold Temperatures

Thermal heating fluid will not freeze, which makes freezing temperatures a non-issue for this type of heating system. This eliminates safety hazards and operational issues that could occur in facilities relying on steam heat.

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