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Upstream Oil & Gas Experts unite to share best practice strategies

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Tank Storage News America are proud to be partnering with the Wellsite Innovation Summit on 17 September 2024 in Houston, TX.

It is undeniable that satisfying investors, and continuing to deliver long-term value for stakeholders, means the upstream O&G industry must seize the opportunity to innovate by utilizing technology to drive optimization, sustainability, and growth across upstream E&P assets, operations, processes, and workforces.

However, selecting, implementing, and integrating suitable technology to realize ROI across legacy infrastructure can be complex, costly, and resource-intensive with many pitfalls to navigate.

To help these operators overcome their rising wellsite challenges, Tank Storage News America are proud to be an official media partner of the summit. Join us to hear industry leaders share best practice strategies and exchange know-hows to enhance efficiency, increase safety, optimize production, unlock reserves, and improve sustainability. Attendees and expert speakers from upstream organizations will be collaboratively sharing insights on successfully achieving wellsite innovation at pace and scale with disruptive technology.

Other speakers from leading operators sharing their insights include:

  • Jacob Vizinat, Senior Manager Technology at Hess Corporation
  • Andrea Course, Digital Innovation Program Manager at Shell
  • Philippe Daroux, Operations Technology Product Line Manager at Chevron
  • Probjot Singh, Principal Engineer at ConocoPhillips
  • Jennifer Rogers, Executive Officer, Learning Technology Standards Committee at IEEE

Join Tanks Storage News America at the Wellsite Innovation Summit to hear best practice strategies to share best practice strategies for optimization, sustainability and growth across upstream assets, operations, processes, and workforces using technology.

Find out more and register using our 15% discount code TSNA15 by visiting, email or call +44 (0) 113 3970 379 for more details.