Blue Biofuels, says that Re-N-Vision, based out of St Louis, MO, has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Department of Energy grant for $199,902 with the title, “Disadvantaged Community Bioenergy Feedstock Consortium in Urban Areas”.
The grant was awarded under the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Funding Program joint topic, “Community-Driven Solutions for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition”. The CTS technology of Blue Biofuels is chosen by Re-N-Vision to test the processing of agricultural and cellulosic waste into bioproducts.
The Phase I project will utilize Blue Biofuels’ CTS technology to process samples of agricultural and cellulosic waste to ascertain convertibility, yield and efficiency of these new specific feedstocks. Re-N-Vision is in contact with the Missouri department of agriculture and has received a letter of support for this program. There are tons of agricultural waste currently being discarded that offer the potential to be acquired at little-to-no cost.
Re-N-Vision’s focus is to build a consortium of stakeholders in disadvantaged urban communities that will strengthen economic growth, local infrastructure, and community dignity, while producing environmental benefits within the community by growing, cultivating, and/or collecting plant-based feedstock and waste, and processing it into saleable bioproducts.
Upon completion of Phase I, Re-N-Vision plans to apply for a Phase II grant, which is up to $2.2 million. The plan for Phase II is to utilize kilotons of agricultural waste as feedstock to create bio products. If Phase II is successful, Re-N-Vision plans to apply for a Phase III grant, which can be several million dollars and is granted at the discretion of the US Department of Energy. Blue Biofuels will collaborate with Re-N-Vision on all future phases of the project.
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